Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a way of directing companies based on the management of the impacts that their activity generates on their customers, employees, shareholders, local communities, the environment and society in general.
The companies that have already taken on CSR have focused our attention on the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Under these acronyms are grouped 17 objectives and a total of 169 challenges promoted by the United Nations. And among its premises is the decisive promotion of renewable energies.
Organizations of all kinds strive daily to reduce our impact on the planet by commitment to clean, green and sustainable energies.
Any type of harassment and/or discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin, nationality, social status, health, sexual orientation, convictions, religion, political ideas, as well as on sex, marital status, age, membership or non-membership of a trade union, as well as on the basis of language (within the limits set by the applicable law of the Spanish State), is prohibited.
Employees will be treated strictly in accordance with their skills and qualifications, including, but not limited to, decisions regarding their hiring, promotion, remuneration, benefits, training, dismissal and termination of employment.
In ISEG we avoid the use of inappropriate language, we will use “gender-inclusive language” which means the way to express yourself orally and in writing without discriminating against a particular sex, social gender or identity and without using stereotypes.
ISEG is committed to providing a safe environment for our employees to report misconduct or incorrect situations. If employees or our collaborators see or detect behaviours that violate the company’s code of conduct, they can report the incident to the human resources manager or management. The company will investigate the reported incident and record this investigation. Even if they are unsure or do not have all the evidence, our employees and collaborators are encouraged to share as much information as they have with those responsible to be able to deepen the investigation of the reported event.
ISEG does not participate in political contributions, charitable donations or sponsorships that may give rise to favourable treatment for its activities.
The management supervises actions to correct possible deviations. Our working premises always respect fair competition and antitrust law. Absolutely committed to anti-corruption and anti-money laundering.
Operation with our suppliers is based on maximum transparency and in accordance with the law. We always avoid conflicts of interest.
Sensitive information of the company and its workers is treated meticulously according to the data protection law LOPD 3/2018. Data is protected and its security guaranteed.
Our records and financial integrity are subject to legislation and established audits.
Inside information should be treated with extreme care and caution to prevent unwanted leaks and avoid fraudulent practices.
At ISEG all workers always act within the Legal Framework.
We demand mutual respect, honesty and integrity for all people.
We protect and take responsibility for ISEG’s reputation.
The use of company property is always subject to purely work-related activity and not to the particular interests of any worker.
It is the obligation of all workers to maintain the confidentiality of records, operations and sensitive information for the operation of the company in its activity.
No corruption or bribery of any type will be allowed, and will be prosecuted and punished according to current legislation and regulations.
Forced labour, child labour, physical and/or psychological or verbal harassment for any reason are absolutely prohibited.
At ISEG we guarantee equal treatment and opportunities for women and men in access, selection, hiring, promotion, training, reconciliation, occupational health, measures against sexual and/or gender-based harassment and gender-based violence. We strive to improve communication, awareness and the company culture in this regard.
We apply the gender perspective to all areas, policies and decisions of the company (gender mainstreaming). It is ensured that there is no gender-based pay discrimination. Work is carried out on the co-responsibility of tasks between men and women
The working time and remuneration are in accordance with the provisions of existing agreements and the overtime will have its remuneration established without distinctions between people as long as the work performed is the same and under equal conditions.
Management’s commitment to equality and the involvement of the workforce in this task is an obligation to make it an effective instrument for improving the work climate, optimising the skills and potential of the entire workforce and, with it, improving the quality of life, the working environment and increasing the productivity of the entire workforce.
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