Photovoltaic maintenance

Photovoltaic solar plants generally require little maintenance. But at the same time, they can be very sensitive to inadequate maintenance that would generate a drop in efficiency and even the total loss of production. ISEG is fully committed to service excellence, from remote monitoring to preventive and corrective tasks.

Types of photovoltaic plants

Fixed ground plant

Ground plant with trackers


Marquees/car parks


Types of activities

  • Inspections
  • Audits
  • Preventive Activities
    1. Partial
    2. Complete
  • Corrective Activities
    1. Replacing panels
    2. Replacing windows
    3. In strings
    4. In transmissions
  • Cleaning of panels
  • Diagnostics
  • Production Analysis and Control
  • Implementation of improvements
  • Commissioning
  • Repowering

In figures


Cumulative plant power with O&M activities (historical)


Plants with O&M activities (historical)

The ISEG service offer

Geographical ecosystem in photovoltaics